Root Beer Emulsion, Natural

Our Root Beer Emulsion, Natural is the complete flavor with color and preservative. A 1+2 throw, we suggest the following formula for 1000 mls of beverage syrup.

Granulated Cane Sugar - 342.00 gms
Sodium Benzoate (25.00% Solution) (wt/v) - 3.00 mls
Phosphoric Acid (85.00% Solution) (wt/v) - 0.30 mls
Root Beer Emulsion, Natural - 4.50 gms
Q.S. with water to equal - 1000.00 mls

Brix 11.00 +/-.20

To Make Syrup for 15.5 Gallons (Half-Keg) of Root Beer:

Granulated Cane Sugar - 14.67 lbs.
Sodium Benzoate - 14.57 grams
Phosphoric Acid, 85% Solution - 5.84 grams
Root Beer Emulsion, Natural - 87.70 grams
Water - 4.02 gallons
Total Syrup - 5.15 gallons

Add sodium benzoate, water and sugar. Mix well and slowly add phosphoric acid. Next add the flavor and the rest of water (10.32 gallons) to make 15.5 gallons of finished Root Beer. Carbonate to preferred level of 2.8 to 3.00 Volumes.

Co2: 3 Volumes
Brix: 11+/-.20

Sku Product Name Price Quantity
383BEV-3757Root Beer Emulsion, Natural - 2 fl. oz. glass bottle$9.16
383BEV-3758Root Beer Emulsion, Natural - 4 fl. oz. glass bottle$14.01
383BEV-3392Root Beer Emulsion, Natural - 8 fl. oz. glass bottle$26.96
383BEV-3393Root Beer Emulsion, Natural - 1 Quart plastic bottle$67.73
383BEV-3394Root Beer Emulsion, Natural - 1 Gallon plastic jug$236.58

Root Beer Emulsion, Natural contains caramel color, water, gum arabic, phosphoric acid, natural flavor, benzyl alcohol, citric acid and sodium benzoate.

  • For Still and Carbonated Beverages, Water, Juice and Functional Beverages.
  • True to Nature Profiles.
  • Water Soluble.
  • Natural.

Kosher – Product is kosher certified by Earth Kosher. Gluten Free – Product does not contain gluten. Nut Free – Does not contain peanuts or tree nuts.  Processed in a peanut and tree nut free facility. Water Soluble – Flavor is Water Soluble and cuts slear in water and alcohol.
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